So you’re remodeling your kitchen and you’re ready to get that value into your property. Rather than DIY, we recommend enlisting the help of a qualified home improvement contractor because no matter how many HGTV shows you watch, it’s always best to seek expert advice if you are not trained in home renovation. After all, according to the 2016 HOUZZ Kitchen Trends Study, 87% of homeowners enlisted the help of a professional during their kitchen renovation project.

While finding the right contractor to assist you in your kitchen remodeling goals might seem daunting, it’s an important one. Here’s how you can go about finding the best remodeling contractor for the job:

Know What You Want

Before going to a contractor, be sure you know exactly what you want. This means having a detailed list of the specifics you’d like to achieve in your home project. For example, you’ll need a list of your preferred fixtures, finishes, and appliances that you would like included in your remodel.

Do Some Background Research

After you’ve made your specific list of deliverables, do some research on contractors in your area. Look at their past body of work, reviews, and check to see if they are insured. You can even interview potential contractors to determine their trustworthiness and communicative abilities. No remodeling is complete or successful without a good contractor-home owner relationship.

Budget Accordingly

Your budget is one of the largest considerations during the remodeling process. Consider the extras, such as accessories, when planning your project. It might be the case that your contractor won’t price these upfront as a tactic to get the most out of their employment with you. That’s why it’s important to ask your contractor about extra costs. Do they price them ahead of time or as they come up? These are important factors to consider in terms of your overall budget.

You’ll also want to ask about projected timelines. Forbes recommends getting an estimated completion date and then adding on an eight-week buffer. That way, you aren’t left with unmet expectations in the event that the project takes longer than initially stated.

Kitchen remodeling can be an exciting and rewarding experience. With the help of a qualified contractor, you can be sure that your goals are being met and that the results are what you expected. All it takes is a little preparation and honest expectations for your kitchen remodeling dreams to become reality.